Spring Quarter Event
Coffee Chat with Alumni Mentors
Thursday, May 10, 2018 (Week 6)
5:30-7:00 pm
Global Viewpoint Lounge, Student Center
Alumni Mentors and their Mentees are invited to gather during Spring Quarter to reconnect and celebrate as the academic year comes to a close.
About The Program
ISEP’s Alumni Mentorship Program is aimed at connecting ISEP students with motivated alumni. Alumni mentors will provide guidance to a group of assigned students as part of the larger IPG mentorship program. As a mentee, you will be matched with one alumni mentor who works in your field of interest. Please answer the following questions to give us a better idea of which alumni will help cater to your academic and professional goals.
Alumni Mentor Profiles

Learn more about ISEP’s Alumni Mentors.
Download the program application here! — Apps are now closed.
* Please answer questions with complete sentences and use your best writing skills. Your application will be strenuously reviewed.
Global Scholars Alumni Mentorship Program
The Global Scholars Alumni Mentorship Program allows Mentors and Mentees to interact at a pace that is comfortable for all participants. The program is structured to allow Mentors to provide support and guidance for Mentees based on individuals’ needs. Mentors are available to discuss a wide variety of topics including networking, study skills, career guidance, hobbies, course selection and resume tips.
- Connect Global Scholars students with motivated UCI alumni who are willing to provide guidance and support.
- Strengthen students’ “soft” skills or personal attributes needed to succeed in the workplace.
- Refine spoken language skills.
- Become familiar with career-related resources.
- For Mentors:
- Share expertise and knowledge about careers and industry trends
- Help and encourage international students with their career exploration and career development
- Form connections with and give back to the UCI community
- For Mentees:
- Expand professional network in career fields of interest
- Increase understanding of work life in specific industries in the U.S.
- Be inspired with real life success stories and advice from UCI alumni
Roles & Responsibilities:
- A commitment of 10 hours per quarter for winter and spring.
- Mentors organize regular check-in meetings with Mentees.
- Mentors and Mentees maintain regular contact with one another by checking in at a minimum of once every other week. More frequent contact is highly advised.
- International Student Excellence Programs will sponsor one Meet and Greet event each quarter to facilitate Mentor / Mentee connections.
- Attend the celebratory networking event on campus in May, bringing together all Mentors and Mentees.
- Complete program evaluations in May.
Matching Process:
- Matches will be made in January and continue through June of each academic year.
- The Mentor and Mentee will receive an email with contact information needed to make the connection.
- Mentees are encouraged to meet with one another throughout the program. A Facebook group is recommended, so that group meetings can be planned easily.
- ISEP staff will organize selected Meet and Greet events and provide mentors with on-going support as they build relationships with their mentees.
- Alumni Mentors will be invited to additional relevant ISEP events to give them more chances to connect and engage in mentorship.
- Through a partnership with the UCI Alumni Association, mentors will be given access to online mentoring resources, which will serve as a resource for planning events and activities.
Possible Mentor / Mentee Activities:
- Job shadowing
- On-line mentoring
- Resume review
- Career strategies
- Leadership discussions and activities
- Sharing your experiences as UCI students
- Explore research goals and/or opportunities
- Share details about current job
- Reflect on your path to your current profession
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Q: Will this program take up a lot of my time, and is it a long-term commitment?
A: The level of involvement is determined by the Mentor’s availability and the nature of the relationship that Mentors and Mentees develop. We recommend frequent contact in order to build a strong relationship. The program requires that Mentors and Mentees commit to a minimum of one e-mail or phone call every other week.
- Q: How long will Mentors and Mentees be matched?
A: Mentors and Mentees are matched in January and are expected to build their relationship throughout the academic year. Participants also have the option of continuing the relationship during the summer.
- Q: What type of activity is conducive to establishing a good mentor/mentee relationship?
A: Consistent communication is key. Workplace visits, resume review, informational mock interviews, conversations about life after college or attending a school event are also appropriate activities that help establish the Mentor / Mentee relationship.
- Q: Who makes the initial contact?
A: Students are encouraged to make the first contact, but both Mentors and Mentees are expected to contact each other as soon as contact information is made available.
- Q: How are Mentors and Mentees matched?
A: Students select Mentors based on their profiles. Student participation is on a first-come, first-served basis. Although we anticipate all mentors being matched, we cannot guarantee that a match will take place.
- Q: What is International Student Excellence Programs’ (ISEP) role in the Alumni Mentor Program?
A: International Student Excellence Programs provides the opportunity for UCI Alumni and international students to meet and interact with one another. Program guidelines and Mentor Mentee matches are set through this office, and program administrators organize the first reception where Mentors and Mentees have a chance to meet.
- Q: Whom can I contact if I have any questions, problems or concerns?
A: Please feel free to contact Bianca Angeles, Program Coordinator with International Student Excellence Programs at (949) 824-6793 or angelesb@uci.edu with any questions or concerns.
Mentoring Relationship
- Purpose of Mentor / Mentee relationship:
- Establish trust
- Offer guidance, advice and support
- Work to build genuine relationships with Mentees
- Create mutual respect with Mentees
- Share and transfer information, tips, and expertise
- Work together to help Mentees develop personal, professional, and academic skills
- Facilitate Mentees’ socialization into communities that matter to the Mentee (classroom, social clubs, professional organizations)
Earning Trust
- Give time:
- Invite Mentees to spend time
- Don’t rush when with Mentees
- Maintain good communication:
- Prompt response to calls, texts, or e-mails
- Inform Mentee about time constraints
- Initiate communication with Mentee
- Be aware of cultural differences in communicating (eye contact, personal space, direct vs. indirect communication styles)
- Keep your word:
- Try your best to do what you say you’ll do
- Acknowledge when you need to change plans – model how to handle unexpected changes or slip-ups
- Holistic understanding:
- Proactively ask Mentees questions about their lives
- Don’t assume you understand Mentees’ life experiences – even if you are from the same culture
- Be open to talking about your own identities
- Listen:
- Stay focused on who you are speaking to
- Turn off distractions
- Listen first before giving advice, input, or feedback
- Avoid formulating a response while the other person is talking. Just listen.
- Don’t multi-task when having a serious conversation. However, doing an activity together can sometimes facilitate conversation.
- Be willing to talk about race and culture:
- Examine and question your understandings, assumptions, and stereotypes about your racial / cultural group as well as other groups.
- Show interest by asking questions about Mentees’ many cultural identities including gender, race, ability, or sexual orientation. Listen with interest and openness
- Be honest and open about what you know and don’t know about a person’s culture. Be open about your eagerness to learn.
- Be willing to listen to stories about personal lives – they help you learn about that person’s world.