Academic Integrity is a topic of continued interest in educational institutions across the world. One of the primary reasons that make Academic Integrity so important is that it reaffirms the feeling of trust and ethical responsibility at a young age. An ethical population translates into an ethical workforce contributing to long-term global sustainability. As such, ISEP brings to you “Ethically Speaking” – a one-stop repository of Academic Integrity knowledge and best practices for both students and faculty. Below is an extract of the Preamble of the UCI code of Academic Integrity policy.
The University of California, Irvine is an institution of learning, research, and scholarship that is strengthened by the existence of an environment of integrity. As members of the academic community, instructors, students, and administrators are responsible for maintaining this environment. It is essential that all members of the University practice academic integrity and accept individual responsibility for their work and actions. Violating the Academic Integrity Policy is unacceptable, devaluing the teaching and learning experience for the entire community. While at UCI, members of the academic community should become better educated about the ethical framework underpinning academic integrity and improve their moral standards supporting it.