In honor of the Year of the Dog, ISEP launched “My Lunar New Year Moment” Instagram Video Contest. UCI students were invited to share videos of their Lunar New Year celebrations and their reflections on what the Lunar New Year means to them.
Contest winners
- 1st place ($60 Zot Bucks): Nhu Kim Vo
- 2nd place ($40 Zot Bucks): Rachel Lapira
- 3rd place ($20 Zot Bucks): Vianh Hoang
Prizes will be awarded to our three winners at IPG’s Hangout on March 15, 2018. Visit ISEP on Instagram.
Contest Directions
- Post a video (less than 1 minute) on your personal account and tag us with #isepvideocontest.
- Include a description of the video and briefly explain your thought process behind production.
- Follow ISEP official Instagram account: @isep_uci
- Deadline: Week 8 – Wednesday, February 28, at midnight
Contest Rules
- Eligibility: All currently enrolled UC Irvine students are eligible to enter the contest. You must follow ISEP’s official Instagram account first to participate.
- Videos: Each student may submit up to two entries. Edited and digitally enhanced videos are eligible. Videos MUST be the original work of the student submitting them. To avoid misunderstandings, and out of respect, if your video will show a person’s face, we strongly suggest you ask permission of the subject first.
- Judging: A panel of judges will select the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners based on the criteria of interpretation of the theme, creativity, originality, and production quality.